James 4:2-3 -- ...Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it. And even when you ask, you don’t get it because your motives are all wrong—you want only what will give you pleasure.
As I went over James 4 this morning verse 3 jumped out at me with a vivid image attached. As I drew it, I kept thinking of Cookie Monster from Sesame Street and just how we can be that way when we go to the Lord in prayer. "Me want cookie!!" Oh, sure we disguise it better than that most times.
I know this past year brought me to a place where all I could do was start asking the Lord for his will and his desires to be done in my life. To help me stop leaning on my understanding of things and to simply acknowledge he understands, he knows, he's got me and my family in his hands. When I finally shifted what I was praying after, in the midst of terrifying storms in our lives, I found a few things He'd been trying to give me all along. Not an end to the storm, but peace during it. Strength to hold on to him. Even joy in the middle of some unbelievably bad things.
It wasn't until I stopped praying for the cookie, that I started to experience the fruits of His Spirit he had for me. Just a thought for today. I pray you be blessed today and may you feel the love of Jesus in your life and not just know about it.