Matthew 16:15-16 --- He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter replied, “You are the Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed), the Son of the living God.”
Who Do You Say Jesus Is?
That's not just a good question, it's THE question of all questions. When asked this you will either reply with what you've heard others say/write OR you will reply with what you know from walking with Him in relationship.
You see I can tell you all about Abraham Lincoln. From where he was born, to how his mom sadly passed away from drinking bad milk, from there we could go on till his final moments… BUT I don't know Abraham Lincoln personally. I couldn't tell you anything outside what others have written and documented of his life and deeds.
In contrast to that my friend and brother, Eric, is someone I have known for nine years now. Over those nine years we have met weekly for breakfast for fellowship, accountability, prayer, and just to hang out for an hour or two. I mean the guy loves coffee, bacon, World War II history, and Jesus, who wouldn't want this guy as your best friend? I'm just saying. My point being though, I know him, and he knows me. We've walked through life together and have gone from friends to being brothers to being family. That didn't happen from me reading a book about him or people telling me about him. It came through a sacrifice of time and a sacrifice of safety (inner walls we build to keep others out).
For many Christians they know a lot about Jesus. They know where He was born. All about His mother. They know of His miracles and ministry. They know of his trial and crucifixion. Even of the empty tomb and beyond. However, it's only from what others have said or written of Him. It is from a religious obligation, much like the pharisees, to memorize and have head knowledge of Him. I spent ten years of my life listening to KDKR Bible School Radio preaching for hours a day while commuting to Dallas and back. I knew TONS about the Bible, about Jesus, about Old Testament, New Testament, you name it, I knew it…. BUT I didn't KNOW Jesus personally in relationship. When I finally met Him for real, when the Holy Spirit got hold of me and drew me to Him beyond the words on the page, on the radio, from the pulpit on Sunday, it was a whole new world. My life truly began to change because I was with Him. Just like Peter had been walking with Him and when asked, "Who do you say I am?", Peter spoke from a personal knowledge, personal relationship, personal revelation given to Him from God, of just who he was walking with… Jesus, the Christ, the Messiah, the Anointed, Son of God.
Who do you say Jesus is?
Is your answer based on what others have written and said or from a personal relationship spent walking with Him every day?
If you know OF Jesus and you aren't sure if you KNOW Jesus personally, beyond preaching, beyond a prayer you recited when you were eight years old, then I beseech you to pray now and talk with the Lord and I would say read the Gospel of John and the book of First John. By the time you have read these two you will have a fairly good idea of where you stand. Get connected with a bible believing, preaching church and seek a brother or sister who loves Jesus and the Bible to connect with and grow with and walk-through life with.
Well, that's enough rambling for today. If you ever read this far in my posts then may the Lord bless you greatly for your patience. LOL!
You are not alone, so if you need prayer for anything, good, bad, even the ugly, please reach out. Even if you just need someone to talk to or to listen, I'm here. Comment, send FB message, Instagram, or through the website contact: