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Which One Are You Seeking?

John 5:44 -- How can you believe, when you accept glory from one another and you do not seek the glory that is from the one and only God?

Today I didn't move too much further in John. It was quite a simple morning spent with Him just thinking about this verse and how our churches and society are today.

Jesus' words cut through everything and go right to the heart of our modern-day society and even most of our churches. It goes right through our defenses as individuals, especially those who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, and confronts us with something simple.

Here's another verse that came to me as I thought over Jesus' simple yet ever so powerful question.

Galatians 1:10 -- For am I now trying to persuade people, or God? Or am I striving to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ.

Beloved, where are you focusing and searching for your approval, worth, identity, truth, acceptance, peace, stability, and love? Really, honestly, stop and think on this because look at the extremely dangerous warning God gives us in both these verses.

Jesus asks in John 5:44 how can you believe if your focus is on receiving from man and not seeking from God? Then through Paul in Galatians 1:10, God shows us if we are seeking things from people and trying to please people, we are not servants of Christ Jesus. Look in Matthew 6:24 as well.

Matthew 6:24 -- “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon [money, possessions, fame, status, or whatever is valued more than the Lord].

Christian, let the Lord cut through your walls of reasoning and excuses today and confront this. It's urgent and vital that you do. It's not easy because we tend to have a lengthy list of reasons and an even longer checklist of "good" things we've done to try and stand in the place of seeking God with our everything daily.

Beloved, the light of people will fade and run out. The light of God is eternal, and nothing will ever quench it or overcome it. Which one are you seeking??

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