3 John 5 --- Beloved, you are acting faithfully in whatever you accomplish for the brothers and sisters, and especially when they are strangers;
Today starts off with that wonderful word, beloved. It's just such a beautiful word, but that's not the focus of today's time in the Word. It is on the hospitality Gaius provided and things he did for his Christian brothers and sisters, especially to those who were strangers.
So, as we'll see further along in 3 John there is an issue with a church leader in the area who was not extending hospitality to Christian travelers and teachers. He was even threatening to kick people out of the church if they showed hospitality to them. There weren't many options back in the day, so it up to the local churches and believers to help traveling Christians by putting them in a host home and showing hospitality.
Now, keep in mind back in 2 John, there was a warning to not extend this type of hospitality if the person was teaching false doctrine. So, it was vital if the person was a teacher to know what they taught before extending this hospitality. Now, the local leader in 3 John, appears to just be refusing to help anyone that isn't from his local group though.
Okay, why does this ancient squabble matter? Well, it matters because the church isn't just a local building, the church is made up of all the believers and followers of Jesus Christ. We are the body, and he is the head. So, we can travel to the other side of the world and meet a Christian brother or sister and we immediately are family because we have Jesus in common.
Now, this isn't me saying go put a sign in your front yard that says, "Free room to sleep in, hot meals and blessings 3 times daily…", then let any random person walk in. Nope. Opening a home to travelers was a custom during the time this letter was written. They didn't have hotels, motels, or Airbnb. So, this isn't so much about the exact action of this.
Really what the Lord led me through today was more of our hearts behind loving our Christian brothers and sisters, especially those we don't know. Loving them beyond just words. We're called to love one another as Jesus loved us. He didn't say, love the believers close to you or in your local church only, how I loved you. Yet somehow, we tend to shy away from anything more than a handshake, a hello, and a "I'll be praying for you.". Now again, it's not saying every single person you meet, who says they are a Christian that we adopt them and become responsible for all their needs…BUT what is your heart when you meet other Christians or a complete stranger who is a Christian? Do you run and hide, does your heart scream at you to not make eye contact? While talking to a brother does your mind go through all the reasons you can't do something in case they ask?
I know our lives are beyond busy, we have our own storms and struggles and sometimes we aren't in a place to go beyond words for another brother or sister, or even more so a Christian stranger. However, does your heart long to help them or immediately turn to your own issues, your own reasons, and a long list of why you can't?
The point today isn't to shame or condemn anyone who doesn't have the ability to do things for others. NOT AT ALL! The point today is does your heart desire to do for others. If you can't do something, can you point them to someone who could? Can you direct them to your local church office?
Look, I confess openly right now I personally struggled with meeting others for a long while in the church. Stranger danger! Exit out the side door. Don’t interact. My heart was only focused on me, my shortcomings, my reasons I couldn't meet or pray for or help another believer. That all changed as I spent more and more time with the Lord in His word, in prayer and more active in the local church. The closer to Jesus I was, the more my focus and heart became for others. No, I don't have a spare room to house every person needing somewhere to stay. I don't have piles of cash laying around to help everyone. I don't always have time to meet up or do things for others. However, my heart desires to do it now. All because of Jesus. I want to meet others. I want to hear their stories and to pray for them. To laugh with them, to cry with them. To do for them when they need. To share in Jesus together!
Again, this is nothing on me. Apart from Jesus, I would move to the country, build a 12-foot-tall concrete wall around a shack, and just read the bible and novels until Jesus came back or I went home. Now Amanda might not be onboard for that, but my old selfish self would've loved to do that. My heart has changed now because of spending close, intimate time, regularly, with Him in His Word and in prayer. It's all about Him!
Well, I pray this recap captured exactly what the Lord walked me through today. Be the Berean, get in your Bible. Read these verses and see what's there for you!