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Writer's picturePhil

Standing at the Gates of 2023

Hebrews 12:1-2 -- Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the [a]author and [b]finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Thank You Lord for walking us through 2022 and for the strength to press into whatever 2023 may hold. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

The past twenty-four hours have been rough. Rough being, close family getting covid, to my son getting into a wreck, to both twin boys waking up full blown sick today, and of course all these things causing our New Year's Eve plans to be called off.

Now God is always good, and I praise Him that my son was fine, and his car is drivable, neither of the twins have covid or flu, and plans can be rescheduled. What it did for me was drive me into deeper prayer today. Spending time with Him led me to today's verse.

As I prayed about 2023 and how to step into whatever it holds, Hebrews 12:1-2 came loudly to my mind. It speaks of preparing to run a great race which is before us.

Most times New Year's is celebrated as a new beginning, new possibilities, all while saying goodbye to the tough things of the current year. As I reflected on humanly wanting to look at putting away of the challenges of 2022, with the fresh and happy possibilities of 2023, yet it hits me that 2023 will be filled with ups and downs, challenges, victories, and losses, but one thing will not change, that is our God.

Now please understand I am not speaking negatively or viewing 2023 as a bad year already, but it's this clarity that there will be battles to fight the same as there always are. I've felt all year long this call to bring a sobering confrontation to those who profess Christianity or Jesus. To wake people up to step into the challenges 2023 will bring for the real church of God.

So, for me, going into 2023 is a call to cast aside every weight and the sin that so easily ensnares and to run with endurance the race set before me in 2023 for our Lord. It is time to shift our eyes, ears, minds, and hearts from the things of this world and put them onto the Kingdom of God! It's time to shift into seeking first the Kingdom without hesitation!

The picture today is of Aragorn in Lord of the Rings: Return of the King, as he storms the Black Gates of Mordor. His speech was one that resonated with the call to all God's children in the face of a world, culture, society, and even many churches that recognize and seek man above God, Jesus, or the Bible.

A time is approaching when true biblical Christianity will not be tolerated. Here is Aragorn's speech for those who wish to hear it while standing at the gates of 2023:

"Sons of Gondor!

Of Rohan!

My brothers.

I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me.

A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day.

An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day!

This day we fight!

By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!"

Thank you to each and every one of you for your prayers and support of this year. You are loved. You are prayed over. You are not alone.

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