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Writer's picturePhil

Same Dad, Same Love, Same Expectations, Different Relationships.

John 1:47-49 --- Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward Him, and said of him, “Here is an Israelite indeed [a true descendant of Jacob], in whom there is no guile nor deceit nor duplicity!” 48 Nathanael said to Jesus, “How do You know [these things about] me?” Jesus answered, “Before Philip called you, when you were still under the fig tree, I saw you.” 49 Nathanael answered, “Rabbi (Teacher), You are the Son of God; You are the King of Israel.”

This is such an interesting exchange between Jesus and Nathaniel when they meet for the first time. Based on how Nathaniel responded to Philip, it was clear he was skeptical. As they approach, Jesus doesn't give some warm and fuzzy greeting or introduction. Jesus already knew of Nathaniel's skepticism, yet he doesn't open with His credentials or explanations. He goes straight for Nathaniel on a personal level.

“Here is an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit!”

How unexpected. Nathaniel was coming to see Jesus solely based on his trust in Philip. Based on his reply to Philip of "can anything good come out of Nazareth?", it was clear he didn't see beyond the physical, right here, right now. So, as he approaches Jesus you can imagine he's sizing him up, waiting to hear how this son of a carpenter from Nazareth could possibly be anything more than just that. Then the carpenter's son opens with a spot on personal statement about who Nathaniel is. All the sudden Jesus cuts through the defenses with this unexpected statement.

In my quiet time today, what the Lord really walked me through was just how personal our relationship is to Him. I have three sons. I have a personal relationship with each one of them. I'm the same person, the same dad, yet my relationship is different with each one. One is very open, he will tell me everything upfront, discuss things openly, speaks his mind. Another is quiet, he doesn't talk as openly and has to be approached more directly. The other talks openly, tells stories, yet shies from discussing deeper things or issues for himself.

What's the point?

The point is I'm the same person, the same dad over all three very different and unique young men. I have had the same rules, same direction, taught each of them from the same Bible, took all three to the same church, gave each one the same chores, etc… However, my approach to relationship with each one is different. With one I listen a lot. Another I speak very directly. Another I balance carefully listening and speaking. They each like different things so I've become a semi-expert on music creation, corvettes, certain video games, PC building, etc… This allows me to speak deeper on where they are and what they're into. I love each one exactly the same, my standards and expectations are the same, yet my approach and discussions with each vary greatly.

What the Lord showed me in today's verses and prayer time is how he loves us all the same. He is love. He never changes. His holiness never bends. His justice never waivers. His commandments are rooted forever. His Word will never pass away. Yet his individual relationship with each of his kids is different. It just drove home once again the truth that it is a relationship and not religion.

You see clearly in chapter one of John; Jesus has three different approaches to people he met. First, he confronts two directly that came after Him. Next, he finds one and simply commands him to follow. Now we see Him deal with Nathaniel completely different than the first two.

Who He is never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever! However, how He approaches each of his kids is in such different beautiful, personal ways. Relationships require two sacrifices, time, and safety. If you don't spend time with Him, there won't be much of an opportunity for a relationship. If you don't let the walls down around your heart and mind, and let Him in, be real with Him, then you'll always keep Him on the outside and again no opportunity for real relationship to grow there.

Just some things to think about today. Hope you have a blessed Tuesday. Get into your Bible and read for yourself all about these things!

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