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Rearview Driving

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and self-discipline.

Several weeks ago, I was speaking with my wife about some things in the past. As we talked an old analogy came to mind. You can't drive a car forward by staring at the rearview mirror. If you do, you'll eventually crash. It was at this moment the Lord brought 1 Timothy 1:7 to mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 (AMP) - For God did not give us a spirit of timidity or cowardice or fear, but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of sound judgment and personal discipline [abilities that result in a calm, well-balanced mind and self-control].

When I woke up at 5:05 AM this morning the Lord brought this all clearly back to my mind. So, I followed Him deeper into learning about this verse and seeking His direction. Here is what He's led me to share.

The driving analogy again. Driving the car and focusing out the front windshield we can see the road goes past Fear/Timidity to Power, Love, and Self-Discipline/Sound Mind. I know we don't achieve these things, they come from the Lord. Just stick with me and picture it in your mind.

Driving forward, focusing out the front windshield, we have Power, Love, Self-Discipline/Sound Mind. Even if we occasionally glance at the rearview mirror, we know what we see is behind us. So, we keep our eyes focused forward on what God has given us. Where He's guiding us.

However, bad things can happen when we choose to focus on what God hasn't given us, that Fear/Timidity.

First, we keep driving forward, but our focus is on the rearview, and we will absolutely end up in a ditch or worse.

Second, we throw the car in reverse and back up to that Fear/Timidity. In the process we lose those things God has given us, almost in the exact reverse order. Self-Discipline/Sound Mind goes immediately. Then Love tends to go quickly after that. Finally, that power or force of God tends to just evaporate, as we reverse into the fear/timidity. Now God's power, love, and soundness doesn't go anywhere, but we've so focused on what God didn't give us we arrive at our destination, instead of where God had us going.

Eyes forward. Focus on the road God has ahead. Glance at that rearview occasionally, you can gain perspective, you can see how far God's brought you, but then quickly lock those eyes back to the front. Don't get distracted messing with the radio or cell phone (this world). God's path of Power, Love, and Self-Discipline/Sound Mind are clearly laid out.

Again, this isn't about your works or how good a driver you are. Those things are just an analogy the Lord put on me about where we choose to focus. God is clear, He does not give you fear/timidity, He does give you Power, Love, and Self-Discipline/Sound Mind. It's all Him!

That's where the adventure with the Lord went today. I pray you will not take my word on anything, but get into The Word and let God show you what He has for you there!

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