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Questions Jesus Has. Answer You Must.

John 5:6 -- Jesus, upon seeing this man lying there and knowing that he had already been in that condition for a long time, said to him, “Do you want to get well?”

Jesus comes into the Pool of Bethesda and sees a multitude of sick, blind, lame, and paralyzed. The word "multitude" in the Greek is plēthos which means a great number.

Jesus sees them all but when He sees this one man, He acts. He knew this man had been this way for thirty-eight long years, but he also knows his heart and asks him a very deep question.

"Do you want to get well?"

In the Greek it's three words "Theleis hygiēs genesthai" and it translates to: desire sound(whole) become. Greek to us English folks comes out like Yoda sometimes, but you see the roots of what Jesus is asking. Is it your desire, deep down, to be made whole?

Jesus sees beyond the physical. He sees into our hearts, knows our motivations and thoughts. This man was where he was told people could be healed. He had hope in what could happen. However, in his condition could he get to the water? What would happen if he were healed? Thirty-eight years spent sick and feeble. His entire living would've come from begging and charity. Being healed meant FAR more than just the sickness and feebleness being gone. It would mean this man's ENTIRE old life would be gone!

Stop and let that sink in. Thirty-eight years of how he eats, gets dressed, gets around, suddenly gone. A whole new life, free of this feebleness, but filled with unknowns would begin. What about work, food, housing, or interacting with people?

Sometimes people know they could be set free or healed. They've heard the stories, even seen it in others. They come to the place where they're within reach of Jesus. However, they are not resolved to let go of the old ways. For some it's fear of the unknown, living without the old way. Others it could be they like the old way, even though they long to be free. Still more could be because they are comfortable and feel the new way, while needed, would be too much work.

Christian, are you holding on to something? Have you been holding on to something for weeks, months, years? We know we need Jesus. We can't do anything apart from Him. We go to church, we go to outreaches, we go, go, go, where we're within reach of Jesus, but have you answered His question? Do you want to be made whole? Until you do, then no matter how much church, how much knowledge, how much serving, how hard you try, you will always be at the pool side, thirsty, hungry, and just out of reach of being whole.

I spent over a decade wanting to change, knowing I needed to, going to the place where I'd heard it could happen, amassing knowledge about it, but I never realized it was me who hadn't resolved if I desired to be whole. Sure, I hoped for it, knew I needed it, but deep inside I didn't fully desire to make that change to Jesus' way. I was scared, proud, and too comfortable. Oh, but when Holy Spirit got a hold of me… I answered that question and walls came tumbling down inside! My life still has plenty of ups and downs, good and bad, but I am whole and freely follow Jesus one step at a time in this new way, His Way!

Don't take my word on these things, Be the Berean. Get into the Word and see it, hear it for yourself!

Remember, you are loved. You are prayed over. You are not alone.

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