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Priority of Prayer

Matthew 6:9-13 --- “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil."


Last week I took my son, Josh, to dinner, just the two of us. Then last night I took my other son, Matt, to dinner. At both we had a wonderful time, ate tasty food and best of all we talked for a full hour. My whole heart was to make this about each of them. They were the singular focus. We started out chatting about video games and funny tik toks. Then about work, the world, and other people. We talked about relationships and interacting, how different the world's approach is versus how God tells believers in Christ to approach it. Then it moved on to their relationship with the Lord and how it was going. Discussed struggles, obstacles, and challenges. I was blown away by the conversation and just how amazing it was to sit with no distractions, other than good food, and just talk about everything. It was awesome.

Why did I share all of that? Not because I'm looking for a pat on the back, or father of the year votes, but because it made me realize more fully what my personal prayer time with the Lord has been in the mornings. I used to struggle with prayer. A lot! I felt like I had to write out a speech beforehand and then read it out. I'd stress over it. In the end I usually just wouldn't pray or it was something like, "God…uh… umm… Jesus name, Amen." Over the years God helped me grow past this, and it sure helps when you take the time to soak in Jesus' teaching on how we should pray in Matthew 6:9-13. (today's verse)

In Jesus' teaching on prayer to me there was a clear outline. Honor God, seek first His kingdom, seek His will, discuss with Him my needs/things, get my junk out and repent for it, focus on others, then seek His guidance and end it with acknowledging He is what I need to get through it all.

As I always say, I'm not here to be some end all, be all bible scholar telling you exactly how it is. Be the Berean and read these verses yourself and see how God speaks to you in it. I am just sharing my heart and my journey, how it's seen from my perspective/brain. LOL.

Anyway, all of this just jumped out to me as I spent my time in prayer this morning, talking with the Lord. It was like the time I spent with my boys. The Lord was the focus. Honoring Him, seeking His will, desiring to just be with Him. Then telling Him the little things. What's going on in my life. Funny/tough things that happened. Then we got into deep things in my life. Shifting over to others, praying for them, lifting them up, interceding for them. From there just asking for His direction and guidance for the day. In the end, making sure the focus of it all was Him. He's the reason I was there.

If you're a Christian, then prayer is not only expected it's commanded of us. (Romans 12:12, Luke 18:1). Maybe you struggle to pray like I did, maybe you don't, but in the end, we have to make time for it and do it. Don't know where to start? Use Jesus' teaching. Just pray that prayer word for word if you need to. Know it's a relationship, relax and just talk to Him.

Out loud? Sure!

Quietly? Yes!

What if I just think it in my mind and don't speak? Fantastic, He hears you!

Somone once asked me, what if they write their prayers? God's an excellent reader and he hears your heart!

Prayer is vitally important and is commanded of us Christians to do. So, make sure it's a priority and if it's not, you must make it one. It's okay if you struggle with it, you're human. Don't give up though. Get with a bible believing Christian brother or sister to help and hold you accountable! Don't have someone like that? Then start reaching out to people God has put around you. Don't sit back and wait. Take action!

I had no intention of discussing prayer today, but this is where the Lord led things. So, I pray right now: Lord, You're awesome and I thank you for never changing. You're always here and You're always the same. I can count on You and Your word to be a solid rock beneath my feet. I pray for the seeds of Your truth in today's sharing be planted and watered and anything that was just filler from me would fall away, never to be remembered, so that Your truth and will would shine forth. In Jesus name, Amen.

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