"Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves and awful hole, doesn't he?" ~ Clarence (It's a Wonderful Life)
I watched 'It's a Wonderful Life' with my wife tonight and it gets me emotional every time. This time around the quote from Clarence the guardian angel above really jumped out at me. There is so much truth packed into that quote.
This year has been a hard year, the hardest. Even harder than 2020 was. I've found myself hunkered down and hiding away without even realizing it. As I prayed tonight the Lord spoke clearer to me than I've heard Him in a long time. He said, "No more hiding, Phillip.".
I know what I must do and it will be very hard. I've spent my life staying under the radar, but I can't any longer. We'll see where He leads.