John 2:8 --- And he said to them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the feast.” So they took it.
Yesterday we saw Jesus give the command to fill the six water pots and exactly what the servants had to do to obey that. Today on our journey through John, we see those same servants confronted with two more commands from Jesus.
When Jesus commanded the servants to fill the six water pots up, this may have been a lot of work, but it fell within their duties to do. Just, the hard but simple manual labor of trekking to the well and back to fill up somewhere around one-hundred-twenty gallons worth of water.
If I'm a fireman and someone says, "Go put out that fire!". No problem, that's my job. If I'm a baker and someone says, "Bake one hundred cakes.". I'm on it! That's my job. So as a servant, at a wedding party, you're told to fill up the water pots, you fill up the water pots. It was a lot of work but they did exactly what Jesus told them, all the way to the brim!
So, what's that got to do with today?
Well, as soon as the servants are done filling the water pots, Jesus says to do two things. Draw some out and take it to the master of the feast. Some translations say headwaiter either way it would be like taking it to your boss…OR… like taking it to Chef Gordon Ramsay. Uh Oh! Now for those who don't know, Chef Ramsay is a very rude, angry, and mean celebrity chef who is known for screaming and yelling at the cooks under him for not getting things right. Now, we have no clue who the master of the feast was, but the servants were now told to take some of the water they just filled up to him.
What hit me here is Jesus' first command confronted them in whether they'd do their jobs or not. Now His commands confront the servants on whether trust Jesus or not! If they do what He says and take a scoop of this to the master of the feast and he drinks a big gulp of plain old well water…I'd say it wouldn't have gone over really well for them. It could even bring to light the whole "out of wine" dilemma they were all trying to fix in the first place. A whole lot could very wrong here. What do they do?
Something interesting that jumped out to me is, the servants just carried up to one-hundred-twenty gallons of water. They know what's in those six pots. There is nothing recorded here that says Jesus did anything at all to the pots, to the water. He didn't spin around, wave his hands over the pots and say, "Water is nice, Water is fine, but let these pots be filled with wine.". NOPE. There was nothing to indicate Jesus had performed a miracle. He went from commanding them to fill the water. To commanding them draw some out and take it to the head guy.
We see in the verse today, once again, the servants obey Jesus. It took faith to obey this command. The first command to get water was just an act of manual labor and lined up with their job anyway. The next commands, however, could have brought shame, punishment, and who knows what else, but they obeyed. If there was doubt, they moved anyway at the word of Jesus.
Beloved, stop procrastinating and/or making excuses to follow Jesus fully, to obey His commandments completely. Even if you don't understand the plan, even when you can't see the miracle, even in the face of persecution or punishment, you MUST decide if you Trust Him and if you will obey Him. If He commands it, then He will walk us through it, and the outcome, good, bad, or ugly, is in His hands.
Well, that's it for today. Be the Berean and get into the Word and see what He has in store for you!