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Do You Deeply, Intimately, KNOW?

John 10:14-15 -- I am the good shepherd, and I know My own, and My own know Me, 15 just as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.

Thank You, Lord for this new day and for a new adventure with You in it. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Yesterday we heard Jesus describe who the hired hand is and how he does not care for the sheep. The hired hand doesn't know them, doesn't care about them, and doesn't protect them when danger arises.

Now we hear Jesus stating again, "I am the good shepherd". He then outlines something very deep and powerful that makes Him completely different from these religious leaders and other religions in general.

"I know my own, and my own know me"

That just takes my breath away to read Jesus' words here. There is such beauty and power in just hearing it and letting it sink fully in from my ears to my mind, then into my heart.

I realize it could be extremely easy to miss the power of what Jesus was saying. For us westerners to "know" something usually relates to head knowledge. I know pizza is good. I know how to make pizza. I know many facts about pizza. What about people? Yes, I know many people. I have 432 friends on social media. I know John ate pizza last night. I know Sue had pizza at work on Friday and she brought some home to her cats. Okay, okay…you get the point.

The word KNOW used here is ginosko in the Greek. It is one of those words that has multiple applications in the Greek. So, it's important to truly study what is being said. In the usage here in John 10:14-15 the meaning is this: to become acquainted with, to come to know, to know. It falls under relational knowledge that Hebraistically would be used to describe the most intimate personal knowledge between a husband and a wife.

So, we're not talking about knowing what John had for dinner or that Sue has three cats. Those are facts we know about people; it doesn't mean we KNOW them relationally. We're so deceived when we believe knowing facts about someone from social media equals knowing them. There is no true relational knowledge there. We have ZERO clues what really goes on behind those pretty posts and well-manicured texts/messages we see because we don't know them.

Vine's Expository Dictionary says of the word ginosko used here in these verses: "In the NT ginosko frequently indicates a relation between the person "knowing" and the object known; in this respect, what is "known" is of value or importance to the one who knows, and hence the establishment of the relationship"

Christian, how much value is in those "relationships" you have on social media or at church? How many people can you actually apply this deep, intimate, definition from the Greek to in your life? Now……stop and ask yourself this, do you have a deep, intimate, relationship and KNOW Jesus and KNOW that Jesus KNOWS you?

We cannot continue in the church today thinking we know Jesus because we feel emotional during worship service. Because we go to church every Sunday. Because we said a prayer in vacation bible school many years ago. That is not evidence of a deep, personal, intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the Way, the Truth, the Life. It's not. It's things you've done. It's things you've felt. It's not a deep conviction that is unshakably rooted in a walk with God, where you get to KNOW Him, KNOW His voice, KNOW His character, KNOW His ways. That is covered in the warm blanket of KNOWING He KNOWS you.

My seventeen-year-old son sat before me this past week and talked about why he believed. He told me, "If someone asks us why we believe in Jesus, we can't just say it's because my dad told me to, because I go to church, or because the pastor told me to say a prayer. We have to be ready to give a personal account." This is what was being taught in Calvary Chapel FW youth over the past few weeks. I am so grateful my boys are learning this right now, as far too many adult "Christians" don't even get this. I know I sure didn't until my early forties.

Beloved, do you KNOW that you KNOW Jesus and do you KNOW that Jesus KNOWS you? If you don't firmly, deeply, intimately know this, run to Him today. Don’t put it off till tomorrow. Talk to Him, pray, seek Him, get in His Word, hear Him, see Him there. You can walk with Him every day!

Well, that's all there is to recap from today's quiet time with the Lord. Oh, how I pray you would not take my word on any of it. Get into the Bible. See it all for yourself. Pray and talk with Him today.

You are loved. You are prayed over. You are not alone.

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