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Writer's picturePhil

Be On Guard Yourself.

2 Peter 3:17-18 --- Therefore, [let me warn you] beloved, knowing these things beforehand, be on your guard so that you are not carried away by the error of unprincipled men [who distort doctrine] and fall from your own steadfastness [of mind, knowledge, truth, and faith], but grow [spiritually mature] in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be glory (honor, majesty, splendor), both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.


The final few verses of 2 Peter sum it all up. What jumped out at me today though were the words "be on your guard", some translations say "take care" or "beware", but the word used in the Greek is phylassō and in the context it's used here it means: to observe for one's self something to escape, to avoid, shun, flee from, beware, keep (self)

So knowing all we've learned in this book about how God's given us everything we need to live this godly life, then actually taking that and starting to walk it out. Growing in our relationship with Him daily. Now we are to be on guard and observe for one's self.

Not sit back and let the preacher warn you, let the church bulletin warn you, not the meme from Sister Sue on facebook warn you, but we're told point blank WE as in "you, yourself" and "me, myself" should be diligently observing everything we're taking in to see those false, distorted, teachings, which remember are slyly presented, but if you are on guard, alert and "stirred up" awake, then guess what, those things can been seen much further away for what they are and the more you get to know Him, know His voice, the faster you'll discern it too.

Keep in mind, it's not about being paranoid, it's about being aware of what you're being told/taught. Check out the Bereans in Acts 17:11.

What a wild ride through this little 3 chapter book of Second Peter. I've read it many times, but this was my first to simply sit with the Lord, in His presence and just listen to Him in every word of it. It was quite sobering for me. I pray you not just read my words on this, but you observe for yourself and spend some time with Him in this little yet powerful letter.

If any need prayer today it's on my heart to pray for you. Feel free to message me or comment if you feel led to. Have a blessed day!

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