1 John 2:27 (AMP) --- As for you, the anointing which you received from Him remains [permanently] in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you. But just as His anointing teaches you [giving you insight through the presence of the Holy Spirit] about all things, and is true and is not a lie, and just as His anointing has taught you, you must remain (abide) in Him [being rooted in Him, knit to Him].
This morning has been really good. Much better than my half alive, mentally unavailable start yesterday. Today after talking/praying for a while we moved back into 1 John chapter 2 and came upon a verse that has a lot to it. It was an adventure walking through it, studying it and discussing it with Him.
There is a lot packed into this single verse, made up of two sentences, 42 Greek words, 9 of those verbs. Anyway, I think you get the point, it's a lot. Also, what He's saying here is a lot too. We dove deep into the Greek and things like that but in the end, He kept bringing me back to the word, "simple". So here is how it became simple to me.
First was understanding the context, the why behind it. John has been discussing walking in light versus darkness, the love of God being in you or not. Then how you can KNOW that you KNOW Him, which is are you following His commandments or not, are you striving to walk like Jesus or not, are you abiding in Him or not. These things clearly confirm to a real Christian they are safe, secure, and warm in Jesus, but to a false teacher they expose and push at them. Then John moves to warning of antichrists/false teachers being in the church already.
A big false teaching thing that was starting to go around was the beginning forms of something called "Gnosticism", there are a bunch of different types but at its core this is what it was. To sum it up, it's a blending of Greek dualism with Eastern mysticism. Dualism being spirit things good, material things evil. Some even believed Jesus was a spirit resting on a regular man, not that He was God and man. Eastern mysticism was focused on secret knowledge that only a few chosen could obtain.
Okay so now we have a solid context of why John starts his whole letter off with, "Hey we saw Him, we walked with Him, we touched Him, we at fish with Him, we lived life with Him!" Now we know why John is so adamant to show what really walking with Him means, in light or in darkness, etc… This kind of teaching can really ensnare someone who isn't solidly walking and abiding in Jesus every day. If you don't KNOW that you KNOW Him, and someone says, "Hey I've got some secret knowledge that you need to go with the Gospel of Jesus you accepted when you were 8 years old at bible school.", well you're gonna want to find out what you've missed somewhere.
Okay so God said "simple". I know so far it doesn't feel simple, it's a lot of info. Lots of words Phillip. Okay so here's the simple breakdown for me. (Now you be the Berean and pray/read/study this yourself too!)
1. We received anointing when we accepted Jesus. Holy Spirit abides/is rooted in us.
2. We don't need another human to teach us secret knowledge on top of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
3. The anointing we have, Holy Spirit in us, will guide and teach us, show us truth and expose lies.
4. That teaching/guidance is based on what He's already taught us; ABIDE IN HIM. In Jesus. Walking with Him daily, bible reading, praying, living life with Him, interacting with the church, etc…
So, this isn't an out for going to church. It isn't a greenlight to stop reading your Bible. The teaching from the Holy Spirit isn't based in your feelings or your desires, "I reject that teaching as I feel the holy ghost saying I need to play the lottery and eat oreos for the next few months." NOPE... John shows clearly, it's all based in abiding in Jesus. Which means you had better be spending time daily in His presence, reading your Bible, praying, fellowshipping with other believers. Being grounded in those things will allow you to KNOW His voice and recognize the Holy Spirit's guidance and discernment of truth/lies.
Okay so lots of words today and I felt led to write and draw out this poem:
Abiding in my home, I am safe, secure and warm
Breezing along with Him, never to me a chore
I hear the doorbell ringing, wonder who it could be
Darkening my doorway, a salesman I see
Eager he is to tell me, things about my home
In his briefcase he carries, secrets that he knows
Now he stresses I must listen, it's about your home he warns
He guarantees the info, will help me feel safe, secure and warm
It's then I hear His voice, calling me back inside
My Jesus assures me, It's in Him I already abide