John 9:1-2 -- As he passed by, he saw a man blind from birth. 2 And his disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
What a blessing it is to go on an adventure every day with the Lord in His Word. I never want to lose sight of how amazing it is to be able to step onto the road with Him each day and follow along wherever He goes. Some days it's easy, some days it's tough, but every day it's a blessing beyond measure. To look and listen for Him in the Word. To talk and open up to the Lord in prayer. To sit and quietly rest in His presence. To magnify and praise Him in worship. All of it because He is worthy and there is no other way to truly draw near and genuinely get to know Him.
Lord, take me deeper into You, Your Presence, Your Word, Your Truth, Your Love, Your Mercy, Your Grace, Your Justice, Your Holiness, Your Will. I ask that you draw the hearts of others to come to Jesus and choose to turn and seek You daily and no longer be satisfied with the temporary, once a week, transactional religious checklist god our society and many churches have embraced. Instead draw them to You, to Jesus, to the eternal and relational place in You that never runs out, is never shaken, and is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I thank you Lord for opening my eyes and changing me from the inside out through Jesus and through being with You, getting to know You more every single day. Wake up Your church Lord. There is so much loneliness, hurt, pain, and brokenness in our world and in people, Lord wake us up that we may be salt and light and bring You to those who need You. The world doesn't need us to bring more of us, more of our opinions, more arguing, more selfishness, more pridefulness, more hypocrisy. No. It needs more of you Jesus. More of your truth and life. Lord, those who call themselves Christians or proclaim to be in Jesus, snap us awake, strengthen us, guide us to seek You daily in Your Word and in prayer, so that we may fulfill our debt to walk as Jesus walked found in 1 John 2:6. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
God has been speaking something to me all week long through His word, while in prayer, through other Christian: "The little things add up.".
My journey this morning began in prayer and talking with Him. It went to instrumental worship as I just sat in His presence. Then He and I walked through all of John 9. There was so much in it! I wanted to copy the entire chapter into my recap and just type forever, but He kept drawing me back to "The little things add up.". So, I took a breath, stepped back and started in John 9:1-2. One small bite. As silly as it may sound, the words, "Simple Sunday" kept popping into my mind.
So, when I came here to recap my quiet time, He led me down the path you are reading now. I simply couldn't take my eyes off Him. He sees me and I've been overwhelmed by that since yesterday's recap post. It's enough for me that my Father sees me. Jesus sees me. Holy Spirit sees me. He's here with me. He walks with me every day. These simple little things carry such eternal power in them.
So, the logic circuit in my brain, used to recap and type things up, just kept flowing back over to the awe and wonder controller, which was and still is overwhelmed with love, gratitude, and awe of Him. In awe of God the Father. In awe of Jesus. In awe of Holy Spirit.
Well, if you didn't fall off your chair halfway through all of this, then bless you for having the patience of Job. LOL. I pray you will choose to walk with the Lord, not just in church today, but every day in His Word and in prayer. He is waiting for you.
You are loved. You are prayed over. You are not alone.